New Generate HTML Area with Direct Link Launched

Written by: Categories: Features,News
March 22nd, 2011

Some of our users may have noticed an updated Generate HTML area in their account administration section.


The section can be accessed by visiting Setup –> Generate HTML

Other than the more updated look, we added 2 features that we hope will greatly improve the deployment and ease of use of our website live chat system :

1. The department select page is disabled by default for accounts with 1 department or less. It can be enabled again through a checkbox under the Options section. The ability to toggle whether chat requests require a pre-chat request form or whether the page is bypassed to go straight to chat is also available through the Options section:

Multiple Departments in Live Chat

Show Department Select Page

2. A new option is available – Direct Link using a shortened URL, The new option is designed for direct linking to your live chat account or department. We also used a short URL for easy integration into character-sensitive systems like Twitter. This new option is ideal for social networks such as Linkedin and Facebook.

Live Chat For Social Networks

Direct Link Chat Option

Check out the new Generate HTML section and expand OCC live chat support to all the social networks your company uses:

Live Chat HTML Generation

Generate HTML Section

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