Why are there Departments and why do you refer to them also as websites?

Written by: Categories: Features
November 5th, 2009

We have designed this product to be scalable so that it is flexible with your business growth and diverse needs.

Multiple Departments

One unique way to look at departments is like Chat Rooms. If you choose to have multiple departments, you can navigate your requester into particular areas of interest, such as: Pre Sales, Technical Support, Billing, Returns, etc.

Each of these departments can have their own individual code.

For example:
Let’s say we started a new company. It is called: Tom’s Kitchen Supplies

For most of the site, I will want all the visitors to choose which department they would like to chat with. So, I created 3. The first one was free and the additional two I purchased.
They are named: Pre Sales, Order Services and Corporate Accounts.

At my site, TomsKitchen.xyz I have placed the Whole Company generated HTML on all the pages, except for the Corporate Section of the website.

Now, if any visitor requests a chat, he or she will see three departments to choose from:
1. Pre sales
2. Order Services
3. Corporate Accounts

***But, I don’t want regular customers to see the Corporate Accounts Department.
So, I will go to my OCC Admin Console, Setup–>Settings–>Basic Setup–>Departments
I will then check the box for HIDDEN at the department Corporate Accounts.

Now all visitors, when click chat icon, will see only
1. Pre sales
2. Order Services

So what about the Corporate Section of the website you ask?

Well, for this section I will generate different HTML. I will generate HTML for the Department: Corporate Accounts.

Now, on the pages part of the Corporate Section of the website, the visitor will go directly to the request for chat form of the Corporate Accounts department.

Multiple Websites

Just as we were able to generate HTML for a particular department, we can also treat these departments as websites.

For example:

I now have a new business. In fact, I sell many things that have nothing to do with each other.
I sell: Bicycles, Computer Hardware and Auto Parts.
Welcome to: OCC Import/Export

I have a website for each of these products I sell.


I am a one-man-operation. And I would like to monitor and support all three websites from one sibgle application, OCC Agent.

To do this, I use the one free department for occ-bikes and purchase one additional for each of the other sites. Total = 3

In the OCC Admin Console, I create all three departments. In fact, each have their own unique logo.

I then Generate HTML for each department individually and paste the code at their respective websites.

Now, from my OCC Agent, I am able to support each website using one agent application and I will know from which department (website) each request is coming from.

We hope that this has assisted you in understand more how or system works and can benefit your business efforts.

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